655 S Preston Court, Alpharetta, GA 30022
655 S Preston Court, Alpharetta, GA 30022

655 S Preston Court

About 655 S Preston Court

Welcome to your new home with Evernest. This charming 2-story, pet-friendly home offers 5 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms and 2,060 square feet of living space. Every Evernest home includes our Resident Benefit Package for $39.95/month, featuring: Positive Credit Reporting - Build credit with on-time rent payments. HVAC Filter Deliveries - Fresh filters, hassle-free. Discounted Pest Control - Keep your home pest-free. Move-In Utility Concierge - Easy setup, no stress. All residents must have renters insurance. Our Build Protection Plan meets all requirements for just $11/month...

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