6410-1 2 Phinney Ave N #3, Seattle, WA 98103
6410-1 2 Phinney Ave N #3, Seattle, WA 98103

6410-1 2 Phinney Ave N #3

About 6410-1 2 Phinney Ave N #3

Very nice, clean, bright and modern 1br apartment in the heart of the Phinney Neighborhood. Top Story of 2 Floor Building. Small family operated building with great tenants. Completely remodeled vintage building. Amenities: Beautiful bamboo and Lvp floors & fresh paint. Modern kitchen with Stainless Dishwasher, Microwave/Rangehood, Electric Range. Two blocks from Redmill Burgers. Walking distance to groceries, hardware and many restaurants. Storage Room included free - large detached room that's great for occasionally used belongings. Indoor bike storage onsite. Double-paned windows. Easy access to Greenlake and close to Fremont, Ballard and Greenwood. Shared coin-operated laundry in the building...

Property may now be occupied - please do not disturb current tenants.

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