623 Roderick A Harris Sr Ave #B, Titusville, FL 32796
623 Roderick A Harris Sr Ave #B, Titusville, FL 32796

623 Roderick A Harris Sr Ave #B

About 623 Roderick A Harris Sr Ave #B

Charming cozy and bright 1BD/1BA duplex, designed with a living/dining combo, kitchen and master bedroom. Tile throughout the home, A/C window unit and space heater in master. Front porch, nice front/back yard with shady, partially fenced and a long driveway out front. Directions: Take I-95 N follow to FL-50 in Titusville, take exit 215 from I-95 N, follow FL-405 N/South Street to Olive Avenue / Roderick A Harris Sr. Avenue.

Property may now be occupied - please do not disturb current tenants.

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