4199 Newcomb Rd #3C-MASTER 785764, Decatur, GA 30034
4199 Newcomb Rd #3C-MASTER 785764, Decatur, GA 30034

4199 Newcomb Rd #3C-MASTER 785764

About 4199 Newcomb Rd #3C-MASTER 785764

We're looking for someone to join our laid-back home. We have a spacious, sunlit space available for immediate move-in within our fully furnished home. The living areas are cozy and inviting, featuring a modern kitchen, a comfortable dining space and a living room perfect for relaxing. You'll also enjoy the convenience of an in-house washer and dryer, high-speed WiFi and a backyard that's great for BBQs and unwinding. The home also features keyless entry for added convenience. Utilities are not included.

Property may now be occupied - please do not disturb current tenants.

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