House for rent in Seneca for $1,025 with 3 beds, 1 bath, pet friendly and located at 298 White Rd in Seneca, SC 29678. The rental price of $1,025 is 45.0% ($838) lower than the average rent of $1,863 for a 3 bedroom house in Seneca, SC and 40.9% ($709) lower than the average rent of $1,734 for a 3 bedroom house in Oconee County. 298 White Rd was advertised by Orange Property Management on March 6, 2025 at 11:05 AM ET and last checked yesterday at 1:21 PM ET.
Affordability Calculator
Can I afford to live at 298 White Rd?
3 bedrooms
Move the slider to select the percentage of your monthly income you're comfortable spending on rent. Typically, it's advised to spend about 30% or less on housing.
Recommended income
$41,000 /year
With your chosen rent-to-income ratio, an annual income of $41,000 is recommended to comfortably afford this 3-bedroom rental priced at $1,025 per month.
For more information on rent affordability, visit our rent calculator.