17 Pembroke St #2, Chelsea, MA 02150
17 Pembroke St #2, Chelsea, MA 02150

17 Pembroke St #2

About 17 Pembroke St #2

Lawn, Laundry in Building, Microwave, Refrigerator, New/ Renovated Kitchen, New/ Renovated Bath, Exposed Brick, Modern Kitchen, Modern Bath, New Appliances, Granite Counter Tops, Stainless Steel Appliance(s), Pantry, Laundry on Site, Renovated, Stainless steel appliances, Modern bathrooms, Updated/renovated kitchen, Stove, Granite countertops, on Site Laundry, Garbage Disposal, Dishwasher & Hardwood.

Property may now be occupied - please do not disturb current tenants.

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