1650 Roberts Landing Rd, Windermere, FL 34786
1650 Roberts Landing Rd, Windermere, FL 34786

1650 Roberts Landing Rd

About 1650 Roberts Landing Rd

Beautifully, fully renovated Windermere Home for Rent. This property is situated on almost a acre of land in the Roberts Landing community. The split-floor plan home is fully renovated to include a walk-in kitchen, upgraded appliances, built-in oven, quartz countertops, breakfast bar and new lighting. The master bedroom has access to the back patio area, walk-in closet and the upgraded master bath includes a entry to a outdoor coffee patio. This property incudes a wood burning fireplace, 2 car garage, a large circular driveway and new landscaping...

Property may now be occupied - please do not disturb current tenants.

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