14314 32nd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125
14314 32nd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125

14314 32nd Ave NE

About 14314 32nd Ave NE

Available Now. Modern unit. Newly finished. Convenient location. Close to frequent bus lines and major road routes. Easy access to Seattle and Eastside. Friendly neighborhood. Walk to lots: Walgreens, Fred Meyer, Starbucks, MacDonalds, Elysian Pub, Dog run. Well behaved, quiet pets welcome. Strictly No Smoking. Quiet and friendly building. Off street parking available at no charge. Ev charging available. Pet Friendly, own water heater, large, bright living room open to kitchen, new appliances, hardwood floors, E V charging & -laundry in building.

Property may now be occupied - please do not disturb current tenants.

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