1294 Piedmont Ave NE #11, Atlanta, GA 30309
1294 Piedmont Ave NE #11, Atlanta, GA 30309

1294 Piedmont Ave NE #11

About 1294 Piedmont Ave NE #11

Apartment 11 is a beautifully renovated studio apartment home. The kitchen is equipped with stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops, enjoy refinished original hardwoods, newly tiled bathroom, central heating and air and double pane windows. This unit also has a coded main entrance for extra security. Please note that these images are not of the actual unit but will be similar. Status - Vacant. Availability Date - Now. Pet Restrictions - No Aggressive Dog Breeds (screened by PetScreening.com) Application Fee - $100. Smoking - Not allowed inside any of our apartments. Parking - Off-Street and On-Street...

Property may now be occupied - please do not disturb current tenants.

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