123 Southern Breeze Loop, Winter Haven, FL 33880
123 Southern Breeze Loop, Winter Haven, FL 33880

123 Southern Breeze Loop

About 123 Southern Breeze Loop

From HWY 17 S - Turn right onto Spirit Lake Rd and continue for 1.6 miles. Turn left onto Grady Polk Rd and destination will be on the right. From HWY 17 N - Turn left onto Spirit Lake Rd and continue for 1.6 miles. Please note that the advertised price may exclude additional fees. These include a mandatory $55 application fee per applicant; a one-time $75 admin fee; a $7 monthly utility management fee; fees for amenities like smart home or internet service; and optional conditional fees for services like self-guided tours with third-party provider Rently ($1.99 to $11...

Property may now be occupied - please do not disturb current tenants.

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