1060 York St #209, Bellingham, WA 98229
1060 York St #209, Bellingham, WA 98229

1060 York St #209

About 1060 York St #209

Introducing our 2 Bed, 1 Bath unit located at 1060 York St #209 in Bellingham, WA. This apartment is conveniently situated near Civic Field and Lakeway Shopping Center, offering easy access to public transportation, Western Washington University, shopping centers and restaurants. The unit features essential appliances such as a fridge, stove and garbage disposal for your convenience. Additionally, on-site laundry facilities are available for residents. Don't miss out on this prime location in Bellingham. Leasing Line Number: 360-738-3700. MOVE-IN Costs: We collect a full month's rent upon possession and will pro-rate the second month...

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