1030 Degroodt Rd SW, Palm Bay, FL 32908
1030 Degroodt Rd SW, Palm Bay, FL 32908

1030 Degroodt Rd SW

About 1030 Degroodt Rd SW

Welcome to our magnificent newly built home in the heart of Palm Bay, FL. This home features 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, tons of space inside and outside, a 2-car garage, solid-surface countertops and stainless steel appliances. Everything in this home's design has been meticulously overseen and designed to ensure that all the desires of modern living are accommodated, from the open floor plan in the main living area to the oversized vanity in the master bathroom and the extra closets added throughout the home. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make this beautiful house your new home...

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